So? There was a modest, unoccupied nest available in Montrose; ‘OfficeMax Plaza’, at the intersection of Rt. 18 and Cleveland Massillon Rd. (near FedEx/Kinko’s). SBUX has expanded right across the street, and- well, either way, we thought it was high time to get a local coffee shop established in the area.
Then we remembered… ‘hey, wait- WE have local coffee shops, don’t we?’ (We DO, right)? And the rest is history. Except it’s actually not, because we are still hard at work warming up all the seats for you… and opening in just over a month. Tick. Tock.
So- yeah, we’re going in across the street from Big Green… crazy? Nah, hush; sure, at first *blush*, it might SOUND like a David and Goliath story: ‘Turnabout: Idiotic Local Coffee Shop Locates a Stone’s Throw from the Big Green Siren’. (See what we did there? ‘Stone’s throw…’ we crack ourselves up… sorry.)
We regard other coffee shops as colleagues, not competitors…. yup, even the biggies. They’re a decent, responsible company, and we shall continue to coexist in peace. We focus on the coffee, local goodies, the community around us… and we simply aren't that good with a sling; no time for that silly stuff.
We couldn't be more THRILLED about this… and from many comments before this announcement even hit- we think you are too :) Same place, different place… familiar faces, new faces. We’re super busy putting our stamp on the place, adding some exciting new stuff to our existing lineup (wait for it- tba) … and having more fun doing it than ever!
Want to join our pack? Apply online by clicking the ‘Be a barista!' link. We need lots of awesome, friendly and talented, community-driven people to work with us out there. So (yeah, you)- give us a shout; we’d love to chat!
And again- ’tis YOUR new place. Your support of local biz, your input & suggestions, appreciation, and undying love in general… have made this possible. We are very grateful- and really… REALLY… excited!
We’ll periodically post pix of our buildout progress, and in the meantime… stay tuned, more to follow. And for reals- thanks…
-All of us.